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12 Weeks!

Writer's picture: twinklemama2020twinklemama2020

Today is the day after Christmas! We are spending our weekend decluttering our home. We had a lovely little holiday with my in-laws. We could not visit my family with Covid being so prevalent right now.

Husband and I are getting rid of many things we know we will not use with Baby T on the way. We got rid of excess hand towels, wash clothes, pillows, perfumes and toiletries. We have already cleaned out our personal closets.

Otherwise, I am not the most exhausted I have been. I am tired, but we could clean out two closets before we have decided on a break. We went through our shelves downstairs getting rid of books we won't read again, games we no longer play, and all of our DVD's that are not collector's items. Because really, we don't watch DVD's and even if we have the DVD, we would most likely watch the movie on a streaming service. It felt so good to donate all these goods we no longer need.

I am 12 weeks and 6 days today! We received the results of the Panorama test on Tuesday afternoon. We have a perfectly healthy baby girl on the way! I was right, with guessing girl this whole pregnancy.

Reading back on my older posts as they release automatically, I read that I did not share early on that I had suspicions our baby was a girl. But I wrote a letter to my husband upon receiving a positive pregnancy test where I referred to baby as a "she."

It feels like a nice milestone. It is still the 1st trimester for this week and next but the placenta has taken over a lot of the work providing for Baby T.

Baby T has created white blood cells of her own, preparing her immune system to fight off all the germs of the outside world she will soon be facing.

Baby T's digestive tract is practicing contractions to push food through her system when she arrives and eats too! Baby is already building up stool for her first poops when she arrives. 28 weeks before she will make her appearance.

My belly is still rounded, but I have lost more weight this last week because I still don't want to eat. But you can see a defined baby bump if you see me. There is no hiding that we are expecting a baby anymore.

Dizzy Spells - I thankfully have not had this scary experience yet, but it is common to come, with the second trimester just being around the corner for us.

Sex Drive - My sex drive has not increased yet, we have calmed as a couple and feel comfortable having intercourse with this pregnancy. After being on pelvic rest with the twins, this decision came with a lot of conversation.

Increased Sense of Smell - Yes, I cannot handle scents still. Everything seems overwhelmingly strong.

Fatigue - My body has more energy now, which is such a relief, but I am still so exhausted in my mind.

Kegels - I am practicing kegel exercises daily. I do not enjoy the feeling of doing kegels. But there are benefits such as stronger pelvic floor muscles.

Being Smart about Seafood - I am actually not currently eating seafood after throwing up shrimp from morning sickness that literally tasted like rotten fish coming back up. I am taking Prenatals with DHA to help support me and Baby T because it will probably be some time before I am ready to eat fish again.

But all pregnant women need to cook seafood completely since bacteria can live in uncooked foods. Getting all foods to the recommended temperature throughout can kill that bacteria and make them safe to eat. It's great to have a long food thermometer on hand, to be sure.

Stay Hydrated - The less I am eating, the more I am drinking. I am constantly carrying a bottle of water. I started drinking Gatorade last week. So I am sure that I am hydrated.

This week and next week my weekly pregnancy updates are releasing automatically.

My OB prescribed 162 milligrams of aspirin a day to lower my risk of developing preeclampsia. I started this over the weekend, even though she had said I could wait another week before starting the daily medication. This is because I have a BMI of 30.

I am no longer on Progesterone.

I am phasing out the B6 that I have been on, just to have one less vitamin. It doesn't hurt to be on it but it also does not hurt to stop taking it as the placenta has taken over making progesterone. And I had started the B6 for increased progesterone.

We are 3 days out from seeing our sweet, perfect baby T again.

My husband got me a video camera so I can start filming YouTube videos, which I cannot wait to begin.

Hopefully, I will begin filming YouTube videos this week. I am not sure what I will cover in these videos, but I know that I can have a lot more viewers by creating a YouTube channel.



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