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20 Weeks Pregnant

Writer's picture: twinklemama2020twinklemama2020

We are 20 weeks and 3 days today. We saw Baby T on an ultrasound last week and have 3 weeks until our next. Time is passing much more quickly.

Baby T is working on her sucking skills and is taking in many ounces a day of amniotic fluid.

I still don't feel any movements made by her. I think it will be soon, but that anterior placenta is definitely making this take longer. I also am sure my weight affects my ability to feel her.

Her anatomy scan was covered in last week's blog post, but everything is going well and she is stubborn and active. We will have to wait until week 23 to get a closer look at her. At 23 weeks they will conduct a fetal echocardiogram and inspect her heart with a cardiologist on staff. They also need to get a closer look at her face.

My uterus measured 21 weeks at my OB appointment Monday. I am getting rounder by the minute; I feel.

Hair & Nail Growth - My hair and nail growth have really picked up, my hair doesn't get greasy as quickly as it used to and instead of measuring showers on the texture of my hair it's my sweat that I am monitoring.

Feeding A Growing Appetite - Some days I have more of an appetite than others. Finally, my frequent snacks are desired rather than forced though.

Headaches - I have had near constant headaches for over 2 weeks now. As long as I run my humidifier for at least an hour before getting out of bed, I can make those headaches more manageable.

Belly Button - Baby T is around my belly button now, but it has not changed the shape of my belly button yet, making my innie and outie, I don't think it will since I have a nice layer of fat over Baby T. And I feel that I actually have less sensation around my belly button than I do in my lower abdomen. I think I just feel so many digestive things going on.

Many people have thought that I don't feel Baby T move because she isn't active, but she is very active. I just know her position will make it take longer to feel those movements.

Choosing Healthy Foods - Healthy food is still a bit more difficult for me during pregnancy than before. The shift in hormones and my lack of appetite I think play a roll.

Iron - I am so thankful to still not have to supplement iron, but I try to choose iron-rich foods on top of my prenatal and folic acid. My High Risk OB even suggested adding a Iron Fish in casseroles that we eat, I haven't tried it yet but I am looking into buying one.

Not much has changed for me during this last week, I am so thankful that we are all downhill from here just counting down the days until we hold Baby T in our arms. Less than 19 weeks now! I work really hard not to get paralyzed with fear about my care and nutrition because I am just so scared of doing something wrong and losing her in these short weeks we have left.

We are watched closely, but any type of food-borne illnesses cause me a lot of anxiety, most typically after eating.

As my own immune system is weak, and I have suffered with Crohn's and Irritable Bowel Syndrome since I was 18 years old, I have fairly frequent diarrhea. I woke up for 3 hours with diarrhea Monday night.

Last night I was up for 5 hours with pelvic bone pain. I have a very hard time sleeping from 2 am to 6 am. It is very hard to stay comfortable, and I am still taking Unisom nightly to help. Last night I took Tylenol because my head hurt so badly.

I dreamt about doing school tours for Baby T, this is something that is a frequent topic at the Twinkle household.

We live in a big enough city that we should have a rather large array of schools to choose from. I was a public school child; I grew up in a lovely small town. My husband went to a private Christian School though.

We live in the area he grew up in, though I would love to move back to where I grew up, I had so many health issues that I have not dealt with in the 7 years since I left the area. We had an unusually high amount of high schoolers who developed Crohn's disease, and this is thought to be caused by a water contamination that happened in the years before my birth.

The area has cleaned up, but I don't want to risk my health and our daughters and future children by returning to the area.

I also have grown quite accustomed to the area we live in as everything is so easily assessable I am sure we will stay in the area for at least our adulthood until retirement.



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