Today marks the second day of our 25th week of pregnancy! Only a max of 14 weeks to go for me and Baby T.
Baby T is around 2 pounds already by the math of her gaining 6 ounces per week and it being 11 days since our last scan where she was 1 pound, 7 ounces.
Baby T has pink skin now because of the capillaries running under her skin now.
The lungs are finally getting closer to maturing.
Baby's nose is opening up this week too, so she can start practicing breathing through her nose.
My uterus is the size of a soccer ball by this point in pregnancy, and I am feeling all that extra weight and size. My uterus has already started Braxton-Hicks. Saturday was my first experience of Braxton-Hicks, we went to Costco to get the D-TaP vaccine for our roommate and while waiting my uterus felt like mild period cramps.
Hemorrhoids - I have been blessed to not have any hemorrhoids yet, but I have gotten them in the past so I am expecting them to show up any time.
Dental Health - I am still flossing once or twice a day and not dealing with any bleeding gums or gum pain but I have TONS of mouth sores which is common in pregnancy, but also with Crohn's so I am watching closely for any other issues. This is my only symptom, and I had it in early pregnancy thanks to the change in hormones, so I am assuming this is all hormone related again. My hormones have been going crazy.
Snoring - I have not started snoring yet, but my nose is always so congested. Last night I was dreaming ALL FOUR of my nose holes were plugged, I actually had to feel my nose when I woke up to make sure I only had 2 nostrils.
Restless Leg Syndrome - No restless leg syndrome here either but my legs have fallen asleep quickly and easily whenever I sit on a hard surface, when I stand up I have to hold on to something for a minute or two while I wait for the blood to circulate so I can put weight on my legs again.
Fast-Growing Hair - Yuppers, my hair is growing in so dark and fast, I am hoping I will continue getting some highlights in the sun since we now have sun and warm weather that I can go for walks now.
Baby Names - I guess some crazy parents wait until this point in pregnancy or later to name their babies. My husband and I knew before confirmation of a girl that this was Baby T, the name we have picked having started with a T.
Quick Kitchen - We are still working on cleaning out our freezer so I can make some new meals to freeze and heat quickly when Baby T is here.
Note Eye Symptoms - This morning I woke up coughing, and I saw stars for a good 3-5 minutes after looking around the room at all the bright little spots dancing for me.
Make a Grocery List - My husband and I went out grocery shopping last week and bought quite a few needed fruits, veggies and yogurts.
I had to order a set of 6 washable cotton nursing pads yesterday.
I also had a terrible headache last night that wouldn't cease until I took tylenol at 4 am. It came on so suddenly after dinner. I worry I ate too much salt and caused my blood pressure to rise.
I also dreamt only terrible things.
Today I am just too tired.
I made a teriyaki shrimp fried cauliflower rice for lunch, that was actually much tastier than I had expected. The cauliflower rice was something we have had in our freezer for over a year, and the shrimp was from a very large bag that we have made countless meals with already.
I feel Baby T move frequently, I would like to feel her even more, but I hear that an anterior placenta keeps you from feeling a lot of the movement. Which is definitely the case, I feel her kicks very low and off to the sides but more when I am laying down or reclining than any other time.
My husband and roommate have signed up to receive the Covid Vaccine on Saturday.
Baby T and I are waiting for a Doctor to recommend we get it since I know many pregnant mama's who have gotten it, but I believe it is still not recommended for every pregnant mama. And things are going just so well for Baby T and I, I don't want to make any changes.
We are making our first family trip since week 5 down to visit my mom, dad and sisters for Easter.
I have increasing nausea these days too; I think this is because I have not stuck to the recommended 6 small meals a day and my appetite has increased so much! So I am eating a large brunch and then getting nauseous and not feeling like eating again until 4 pm, then I eat a small snack before dinner.