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27 Weeks Pregnant!

Writer's picture: twinklemama2020twinklemama2020

We are in the last week of the 2nd trimester! I am feeling pretty awful today; I feel like I am going to throw up, have a headache and have terrible leg cramps.

I am 27 weeks and 1 day; I see the high risk OB in 2 days and I think baby T will weigh almost 3 pounds. I don't feel her moving about any more frequently than before.

Baby T likes the fetal position. I tried to share her kicks with my sister while we were in town, but Baby T won't cooperate. My sister pushing on my stomach just made me feel all of Baby T's little bones pushing into me.

Baby T's heartbeat should be audible just by laying your head on my stomach, I will see if this is something my husband is interested in trying. I wish I had a stethoscope so I could hear her.

My uterus is the size of a basketball by this week. I believe it, Yesterday morning I woke up and swear my belly was twice the size it was the day before. Baby T is sticking out very far!

My feet have been swelling slightly. Friday and Saturday I wore tennis shoes all day because the bottom of my feet hurt so terribly.

Heat Rash - I have not yet had heat rash this spring. Last fall I had it almost constantly when I would walk. But I have been staying pretty cool.

Faintness or Dizziness - I have not actually experienced much faintness or dizziness the last couple of weeks. I am exhausted today and would like to do nothing but sleep.

Round Ligament Pain - At night I scream out in pain whenever I flip from side to side. Favoring instead when I wake up in the middle of the night to get up and go to the bathroom and lay back into bed facing the opposite direction.

Infant CPR - Actually, today I am planning to sign up for an Infant CPR class and a free class put on by pediatricians in our area to go over when it is necessary to call the Doctor for your newborn.

Car Seats - My husband and I actually researched car seats as soon as we found out we were pregnant. Choosing a Chicco Keyfit 30 as it was highly rated in safety.

Salmon - I was previously a big salmon eater, but I am currently so turned off by any fish. I am getting pickier the latter I get into pregnancy again.

Baggy Eyes - I don't have bags under my eyes, thankfully. Honestly, I don't think that my face can have bags under my eyes. So I have not had to do anything to combat them.

We spent Easter down with my family; we were very nervous to go with the influx of Covid cases in our area. But we made the trip and tried to enjoy our time the best we can. I relaxed when I was with my family.

Now that we are home, I am miserable and I am not sure if this is going into the 3rd trimester this week or the change in routine.

I am still leaking breastmilk like crazy! Today I sit braless as I write this and have half-dollar size circles under each breast. I should have gotten dressed and wore my pads.

Baby T stressed me out all weekend because it is fairly uncommon that I can actually feel her moving about.

I did not bring my Doppler with me because I was going to be a big girl and relax and enjoy my time. But instead, this just meant I laid down frequently to see if I could feel her moving. I am guessing she was in a position that meant I wasn't feeling much.

We have another big growth ultrasound on Wednesday, and I am unsure what the rest of the pregnancy is supposed to look like for appointments with the High Risk OB.

My mom gave me cloth diapers she had ordered off of wish, a place I had not thought to look for cloth diapers, and they are actually perfect. They have adjustable snaps, which is what I was hoping to find.

My sister made a beautiful mermaid that is hung above Baby T's crib already.

As well as 30 cloth diapers that will be perfect for putting inside the snapped diapers my mom had found. I actually purchased 12 more online Saturday night because I think 22 snap diapers will be adequate for us and then we may still receive a few more inserts or purchase more, but I think we are set.

I also received some additional maternity clothing from my sister, which is so appreciated as I think I am growing out of some of my first maternity clothing. We are getting so big!

With as big as my belly has gotten, I have actually not gained weight in the last month.



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