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33 Weeks Pregnant

Writer's picture: twinklemama2020twinklemama2020

Baby T now has her soft spots on her head so that she can squeeze through the birth canal in less than 37 days! We are ready for her whenever she is ready we hope to get to 37 weeks first but Mama is ready.

We now have a bigger baby than we do amniotic fluid! I can feel her placenta when I roll towards my tummy. I can feel Baby T moving about.

Fetal Immune System - Baby T is just developing her own antibodies from my antibodies, which I can't help but fear puts her at a disadvantage.

Insomnia - I have been getting pretty used to insomnia this week, but I ran to Target to buy more Unisom for the remaining weeks. I had to take a whole pill before falling asleep two nights ago. Last night I slept well with just a half a Unisom pill. I woke few, just to pee every few hours. And I slept in late, dreaming that I was throwing up, woke up in a pool of spit on my pillow.

DHA - I have taken a prenatal with DHA this entire pregnancy and plan to continue use until after Baby T is born. It is so beneficial to her brain.

Varicose Veins - Still have not gotten varicose veins, but I do have the worst stretch marks up and down my legs. I attempted shaving my calves two days ago and cut into a stretch mark.

Nail Changes - My nails have been growing really fast! I hate the sensation of cutting nails, but believe that I will have to do it this week. Doing the perianal massage. I have finally figured out how best to do that. I had watched a video on it, using thumbs and sitting. I actually prefer using my pointer and middle fingers, standing up.

Braxton-Hicks - I have had a few Braxton-Hicks contractions here and there. Mostly when out and about.

Calcium - I take a daily calcium pill, I eat cottage cheese daily and Greek Yogurt daily. Almost daily I eat slices of cheese as well.

Switching to Light Weights - Oh goodness, I have not lifted weights since the 6th month of pregnancy. I am still keeping up with yoga, but I shake so easily and really struggle to keep my balance with the weight gain. I do not want to add weights to what we are doing daily. Right now, we are focused on preparing for birth, opening the hips and practicing the breathing.

Write to Baby - I have written to Baby T since our positive pregnancy test. At this point I recount my daily activities. I tell her about her movements. What Daddy is doing at work.

Preventing Upset Stomach - I had been getting upset stomachs from drinking milk, as soon as I ditched the milk, the yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese and colby-jack have been fine.

Swelling - My feet are swollen all the time now. My fingers swell when I exercise and don't drink enough water.

Yesterday was my first high blood sugar reading after lunch, 155 an hour and a half after eating. I had 2 pizza rolls, a cup of cottage cheese and a small container of Greek yogurt with pineapple. I don't know what caused it to skyrocket, but I have had no issues since, so I am just watching it still. My Dr. said that until 20% or more are out of range, I can stay diet controlled.

I went out and walked for 20 minutes and ate a bit of beef jerky, took my blood sugar an hour later and it was back down to 99. And then foolish me, had a small slice of apple pie with coconut cream. My blood sugar went back up to 138 after that, which is still lower than I need to keep my blood sugar.

I am pretty exhausted today.

Tuesday we had our 3rd NST. The Dr. said that Friday's went really well because it showed that Baby T is strong! She can get her heart rate up to 200 and bring it back down on her own.

Tuesday's appointment she was very calm though.

We will see how Friday goes.

Every day she stays in she gets stronger and I try not to stress that she is uncomfortable. I lost a pound since last week. Which they commented on, I think because one thing they note is you stop gaining weight towards the time before you deliver. We still have 2 weeks until we will see Baby T's growth. I am getting really eager to see my Baby T!

I feel her bouncing about in my tummy. She is not too active but all of her movements now show a movement. It took me a long time to get here. I can feel her foot run across my tummy and it makes me cry. I can't believe we created a REAL baby in there, that moves, and feels, and thinks. I can't wait to see her!

I finally made the egg quiche I have been trying to make for a week.

We had that yesterday, some leftovers today for lunch and will finish it for breakfast tomorrow before our NST.

I am not feeling as bad as I thought I would. It seems there are just days that it is hard and days that it is not. I am lazy. I don't get up until I have to get up because I don't have the energy to waste on that.

I could walk around Target without tiring.

It's the getting up and down that exhausts me.

Tuesday, I did a lot. I did 3 loads of laundry. Did not feel up for dinner so we ran to Lowe's to buy Tick Killer. My husband had a tick on him after just walking up and down our driveway. Yesterday, I relaxed more and just made the quiche.



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