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34 Weeks Pregnant

Writer's picture: twinklemama2020twinklemama2020

We are 34 weeks and 5 days today. Baby T is likely over 5 lbs. I can't even imagine. Though I can feel her strong kicks and punches. She can move my whole tummy when she moves around.

My uterus is still growing. I am feeling small next to all the other moms who are around the same amount of weeks as me.

Bloating & Gas - Every night, I have so much gas; I burp for hours before I can fall asleep. I have the gas before meals too, causing me to feel so full before even trying to eat, which keeps my meals small. I cannot link it to certain foods; it is just pregnancy. But we have a little longer.

Increased Vaginal Discharge - Sometimes I have white creamy discharge. Other times, I have clear discharge. Many times, I have no discharge at all. All the Braxton-Hicks, but I still think it will be awhile before Baby T finally joins us outside the womb.

Leg Cramps - I have the upper thigh pain associated with Braxton-Hicks, but, otherwise, I only have leg cramps while sleeping.

Shortness of Breath - I have this whenever I am doing any housework, yoga or getting up. Baby T is just growing into Mommy's lungs. But she stays low.

Insomnia - I am suffering from insomnia every night. I don't fall asleep before 1 am.

My husband installed the car seat in my car over the weekend. Knowing that it could be soon that we have Baby T coming out of my belly. So now both of our cars are set for the baby.

Prenatal Blues - 10 to 15 percent of women suffer from depression during pregnancy. I have not had depression, as much as anxiety. I have been on Zoloft and even went up in my dosage during the 2nd trimester. Things have evened out for this trimester. I am not sad. I am only as anxious as every first time mom is as they prepare for the pain of childbirth. I worry I won't be a good enough mama. I think every mom must feel like this before they start their journey into motherhood, and probably frequently during motherhood. Motherhood is a tough job and anyone who cares to do it right has regrets and guilt constantly. Soon, my baby will walk around outside of me and while I have a few years of making most of her choices, someday she is going to grow up and I won't be able to protect her from everything. I have been reading The Baby Book by William Sears.

Salt - a low-sodium diet is recommended during pregnancy. I actually had my sodium levels checked this week and I am on the low side of normal. So, I think I can handle more salt just fine. But I don't terribly crave salt. I am hungry all the time but I only eat small amounts, mostly because I hate sitting and eating.

Energy Boost - I am done with caffeine as I have high blood pressure now. I seem to just naturally have the most energy I have ever had in my life. I assume that this is the "nesting phase." I can stay on my feet for roughly 45 minutes before I sit for a few minutes.

Bath's - Monday I was recommended to take a bath. For the back pain and Braxton-Hicks I am experiencing. I don't know if I will do this because I cannot get in and out of the bathtub easily. I am cold. It is back down in the 40s here, but I am still unlikely to take a bath. My throat hurts today and I still feel worst when I relax.

Labor Plan - I went over my labor plan in triage on Monday. And Wednesday at my 34 week appointment I was offered paperwork that I can fill out for my birth wishes.

So, Monday I went in for my 5th NST, I walked in and asked the nurse if we could test for preeclampsia.

We did a urine test, and I had trace amounts of protein in my urine; she took my blood pressure, and that was 138/98.

My OB was in the office so she took my information to her. My OB came in and told me that Baby T looked perfect, but we had to find out if this is an official diagnosis of preeclampsia. She admitted me to triage for additional testing. I was wheeled over to the hospital and still had trace amounts of protein in my urine. My amount was .14. Preeclampsia is identified when the amount of protein in the urine is .3 or higher. And they did all the blood tests that showed my kidneys and liver are still working overtime.

They set me up for a second NST and attached a blood pressure cuff to take my blood pressure every 15 minutes. And that was a trip. One time nice and low 117/72, then 124/84, still good, then 141/98 and I wasn't able to move at all so I don't know what would account for these wide ranges.

But, I was released after 4 hours and told just to watch my blood pressure at home.

So, I came home and could resume my normal life. I cleaned the house, did laundry and worked out. I checked my blood pressure, and it was all over the place, but nothing high enough to concern me.

So Wednesday I discussed these blood pressures with my OB and she said it is just my usual blood pressure issues. And she does not want to put me back on blood pressure medications because it is getting so low.

So we have no concerns at this time of preeclampsia. And she even said for the first time this pregnancy that Baby T looks so good we are looking at an opportunity to keep her in until July, her actual due date.

Yesterday was normal too. I checked my blood pressure before and after any work outs. I could do yoga stretching, but that brought my blood pressure up to 131/91 so I plan to do a slower, more relaxing practice today.

I had asked to be tested for preeclampsia based on swelling and blood pressure at home.

I discussed all of my concerns with my OB Wednesday and she said I can go into labor after this weekend on my own or induced. But Baby T is a crazy little dancer. My blood pressure was great and my blood sugars have stayed in range. So she has no plans to early induce until the end of the 39th week. Unless something else changes.

I know we will have this baby soon. I have felt that she would be here the first week of June, since I got pregnant.

I will keep you updated in the meantime. I am going to continue to write blog posts and as long as I am not hospitalized for a long time, expect to keep hearing from me at least weekly.

I will always be honest with you all.

I don't know if we will be induced early or just if my baby girl will decide it is time to come out. I haven't felt her move this morning. She was crazy active last night but then stopped when I went to bed.



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