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36 Weeks

Writer's picture: twinklemama2020twinklemama2020

We reached and surpassed 36 weeks, we spent the night in triage last Saturday. They said I am in Early Labor and sent me home to wait until the next stage happens. It is now a week later, and I have had occasional contraction spells. Where for an hour to two hours I will have 2-4 contractions per hour and then they will rest again. We missed June 10th. I think Baby T will actually hold out until induction.

She is all ready to go.

I can only imagine how beautiful my baby girl is going to be when she joins us. I wonder how close her estimated weight will be to her actual weight at birth. They estimated 5 pounds, 15 ounces on Friday with 1/2 pound weight gain per week so we should be close to 6 pounds, 9 ounces.

Baby T's skull should still be soft to squeeze through the birth canal. I can feel her head on my cervix and pelvic bone. I am feeling a ton of stabbing pain that I read is lightning.

Her digestive system won't be mature or fully functional until after her birth. She is still accepting all of her nutrition through her umbilical cord. And I feel like my boobs have deflated more than ever. I hope I can breastfeed when she comes out.

I don't think I am waddling. But maybe I am not as self aware as some moms are. I am getting around really well and quickly losing weight. That is why I have been guessing labor is near.

Lightning - Week 36 didn't have any but one day into week 37 and there it is.

Heartburn & Indigestion - Yesterday I had heartburn and indigestion, but that was the only day of the 36th week.

Vaginal Discharge - Since I did, indeed lose my mucous plug on Friday, I have had constant vaginal discharge that is wet and slimy. It isn't coming out onto my underwear, but it is on the toilet paper with every wipe. I don't think this means anything except extra estrogen which is also giving me unrelenting headaches all the time. There have been a few streaks of mucus, but I am waiting for blood or fluid before I will believe anything is happening.

Edema - My ankles and feet looked like club legs and feet all the time. My toes felt like they have the foam separators they use during pedicures on at all times. It was uncomfortable. It has come and gone a few times this week.

Changes in Fetal Movement - Finally my baby has settled.

B6 - I had taken B6 daily during my first trimester but have not taken it at all since. I am taking folic acid still. I am losing protein quickly. We opted not to run an additional preeclampsia profile on Friday because my blood pressure has stayed 130's/80's or 120's/90's consistently.

Knowing the signs of the next stage of labor is helpful. These are the ones that I am watching for vomiting, diarrhea, flushing, bloody show, water breaking, and painful contractions.

I am trying to fill up on protein still for my gestational diabetes. I eat protein at every meal. Turkey, chicken, hard-boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, and cheese are my favorite go-to's right now.

Tuesday we had our NST. Everything went well with that. Baby T didn't move, which is why they used the acoustic stimulator on her, but she is tolerating the contractions well. And Friday we had another NST. She got hiccups but refused to move only for those 40 minutes, going back to being her most active self as we left the office and headed home. She has kept up with roughly every other day activity. Yesterday I had just a few light kicks. Today she was all over the place again.

Tuesday I was tested for Group B Strep and to see if I have dilated further since Sunday morning.

They said I am still only a finger tip dilated, but it hurt so much less this time that I think it is looser and effaced now. They did not tell me the status of those two things. And it does not matter because my baby isn't ready to be here still.

Today I have had about 3 contractions per hour.

At my OB appointment I saw a nurse practitioner.

She strongly suggested C-section. I told her I have never had an issue with that if they think it is necessary or has more benefits than risks.

My OB thought that a C-section is likely to be unnecessary as Baby T is in the 44th percentile in total and the 37th percentile for abdominal fat.

I took a whole Unisom pill last night.

To escape from my boring reality.

My dad just had heart surgery.

I am boringly waiting and counting things that might be labor. Knowing that I don't have any signs anymore. No diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, or contractions.

It is too hot and humid.

So I can't leave the house to go on walks, and I am told to stay home or near home. There is nothing I can do.

I hate this time.



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