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5 Weeks!

Writer's picture: twinklemama2020twinklemama2020

Today, I am 5 weeks and 6 days. Things seem perfect so far this pregnancy! I am having a lot of pregnancy symptoms that weren't as strong in my twin pregnancy. Such as a lot more nausea this pregnancy.

I dreamt about my friends who are twins having babies at the same time and I was just watching them go into labor and I was filled with envy, so it has made me nervous. It wasn't the nightmares I had with the twins when I lost them but it still felt off, but my best friend and my husband reminded me that this is an envy I feel, I still have to wait SEVEN MONTHS before I will get to hold my baby.

But I got my blood drawn again.

I got back the blood results and my HCG was 2,890, which is a 118% raise every 48 hours.

I also took a pregnancy test on 5 weeks and 2 days, to make sure I am doing well and it matched the twins' test at 5 weeks and 2 days! I mean this by that the test line was significantly darker than the control line. That made me tear up a bit. I also considered for a moment that there could be over one in there again. But the HCG blood drawn assured me that there is only one very healthy baby in my uterus right now. I really hope baby is doing well in there. We are only 9 days from being able to see them for the first time. The waiting is hard, but thankfully time flies by when I am pregnant.

Everything should be perfect with baby independence.

Baby Independence is roughly 3 millimeters!

Baby's primitive heart is forming right now so they can form the rest of their vital organs.

The Placenta is under construction.

Embryo to fetus! Baby is still an embryo but on her way to being a fetus. She is developing her neural tube, which will become her spinal cord and brain. Little buds that will become arms and legs are sprouting! My little bundle of cells is already so close to being a full-fledged baby! Only 3 weeks after conception! Babies are the most miraculous gift we get.

Baby Independence has a tail now that she will keep for about 10 days, making her look like a tadpole.

The heartbeat may be visible this week, but we are still waiting until week 7 to view the heartbeat because the heartbeat can be better assessed after week 7. So we will see Baby Independence's heartbeat at 7 weeks and 1 day.

Oh, it is so hard not sharing this news with you guys I have spilled the beans incessantly. Telling both my sisters and my parents, almost all of my friends and many of the people I know follow this blog outside of the blog itself.

Exhaustion - Oh boy, yes, I am exhausted all the time. I almost fell asleep at the dinning room table after we finished eating before getting up to clean up. But then woke up at about 3 am and was wide awake for hours again.

Food Cravings & Aversions - I am having food cravings and aversions. I never want to eat the same thing twice. Cravings I have wanted pudding, making dirt pudding and vanilla pudding with sliced banana. And Little Caesar's pizza, just like the last pregnancy.

Nausea - I wake up feeling quite nauseous and don't feel like eating in the morning. Then in the evening I get my appetite, but I still don't feel like eating much.

Excessive Saliva - Yes, especially when I feel like I am going to throw up or when I wake up in the middle of the night. In my pregnancy with the twins I remember drooling and that has not happened yet this pregnancy, which I am okay with. I won't miss it if it doesn't present itself.


Avoid the Litterbox - my husband took over litter when I ovulated.

Schedule teeth cleaning - Ours is scheduled for next week Tuesday!

Know your off-limits foods - Yup.

Earlier this week I had a lot of cramping. At first this made me nervous, but after looking into it, it's common at this point in pregnancy with your uterus getting ready to expand with a growing baby. I remember having a lot of cramping with the twins at 5 and a half weeks too. I remember that being the time I told my husband, maybe there are two with how much stretching I could feel.

The Ectoderm is one of the 3 layers developing right now that will give rise to skin, hair, nails, mammary and sweat glands, and tooth enamel. This is the outer-layer. With her little neural tube forming, that is why I started folic acid a year ago now. For this moment. To help my perfect baby stay perfectly healthy. Extra folic acid helps ward off spina-bifida.

The Mesoderm is the middle layer developing right now. This will form the baby's bones, nervous system, eyes and ears.

The Endoderm is the innermost layer which will become Baby Independence's lungs and intestines. Baby has a long time until she will need those lungs, but this gives them a lot of time to grow big and strong before they are needed.


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