I'm going to share what a day looks like for us, with Toddler T being 23 months old and attachment parenting principles.
T sleeps with me in my bed able to nurse on demand all night.
So typically we wake up about 7-9am. Waking closer to 7 but staying in bed nursing until 8-9am.
When we get up I have to take my synthroid and use the restroom, I try to wait the 30 minutes before drinking or eating. Toddler T prefers a slow morning and likes to be carried from bed and around the house for the first few hours of the day.
When we do eat breakfast Toddler T almost certainly only wants a banana, grapes or strawberries, but I try to urge her to eat some peanut butter and whole wheat toast.
While Toddler T eats we cuddle and I drink a diet soda most mornings. I also usually snack on the same breakfast I've prepared for T.
Breakfast often lasts until almost 10.
After we have breakfast I brush my teeth and Toddler T's.
Then I usually read Toddler T a story.
After we read a story we play outside and I have been doing stretches and light cardio while blowing bubbles, helping Toddler T climb and play on the slide and color with chalk.
About once or twice a week we hear from a friend and will meet other toddlers and moms at a park near our house instead of playing outside at home. We love those days the best, I think.
After playing outside or going to the park we have lunch and I give Toddler T a vitamin D drop in one of her foods.
Lunch typically consists of a sandwich of sorts, turkey with veggies and cheese or peanut butter and jelly or banana, and crackers. Another favorite is spaghetti-os, I have seen a few healthy homemade alternatives.
Toddler T usually plays inside for the afternoon we often watch super simple songs, or Ms. Rachel and play with toys or color in the living room. While Toddler T plays I try to do some cleaning.
Toddler T has been napping as early as 2pm and as late as 4pm.
Toddler T nurses to sleep either in a rocking chair in the living room or in bed while I have been listening to books on my phone and blogging.
She naps until daddy gets home or comes upstairs from work.
My husband has been making dinner while I have been able to keep Toddler T nursing and asleep.
A typical dinner for us is tacos, hot dogs, burgers or hot turkey sandwiches. Not the healthiest of choices for me, but easy foods to feed a toddler with little preparation required. We feed her what we can. And I swear most dinners have macaroni and cheese as a side.
After dinner Toddler T can't wait to play with dad.
I clean up and get settled.
Most nights we have a little after dinner snack of an ice cream sandwich, or just fruit.
Followed by family cuddles in the living room.
When we go to bed mom dad and T all brush our teeth, I feed the cats and we watch lullabies or talk in bed until we go to sleep.
Dad sleeps in T's room across the hall.
He most nights sneaks out after T falls asleep but this week T has been pushing dad out and choosing to sleep after the room is quiet.
So, as you can see I don't have any time away from T.
If you have any questions or requests for blog topics I would love to expand upon our lives.