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Car Seat Safety & 32 Week Ultrasound

Writer's picture: twinklemama2020twinklemama2020

Two nights ago my husband and I took a car seat safety class. It was actually extremely helpful and I am feeling fantastic about it.

Yesterday morning I drove my husband's car to the Fire Station to have them make sure the car seat was installed correctly into his car. I was told that everything looked good and thankfully we have a secondary base that I will install into my car at some point and say that both of our cars are all set for whenever Baby T decides it's time to come out.

This morning was our Ultrasound.

My blood sugars have stayed very low!

I complained of frequent Braxton-Hicks, but was told that this is just normal.

In my blog on 31 weeks, I commented I was gaining weight rapidly. Today I weighed in 11 pounds more than my pre-pregnancy weight. Which was the minimum amount of weight they suggested I gain throughout my pregnancy. Baby T weighed in on the ultrasound: 3 pounds and 14 ounces. I am swelling these days. This morning I had to search for socks that were loose enough.

I was told that everything is perfect and I don't go back until June 3rd.

We will have so many appointments every week going forward from here.

We will be closely watched and I am trying to relax because I am in wonderful hands. I can still stay diet controlled and after showing the MFM Doctor she agreed I should be able to stay diet controlled. My blood pressure is great as well!

I was expecting my blood sugar to get higher, but yesterday we had Taco Bell, which I assume was not a wonderful choice, but my blood sugar an hour later was only 110. I am just told to keep it under 140. 140 is high.

I have yet to have a high blood sugar reading since a few weeks ago.

I was told this is a good thing, so I have relaxed about that. I was told that I likely have made enough changes myself. I dropped sugar. I still have carbs, but pair them with proteins and fats. I eat a ton of cheese and meat. A lovely diet for many people, to me, tough on my digestive system.

I am such a worry-wart that every small change affects me.

Today I have so much to do.

I am working on my Thank You Cards and have finally almost caught up on laundry. I have two loads to put away and another to set up to wash.

I have so much baby stuff to find homes for.

Baby T is still in the birthing position with her hand and foot in her face tucked into my left hip. She is SO long she reaches to my ribs, and I am pretty sure that she un-tucks that foot in front of her face to practice walking along my ribs.

She is in the 44th percentile, which worried me, but they told me that is perfect.

Next week I go to the Cardiologist to make sure I can still have a natural, medicated birth.

I expect that to go well too.

I think we will have a nice smooth end of this pregnancy after all.

I will continue to test and report my blood sugars, and I have no issues if I end up going on Insulin. I can handle the shots. I will give them to myself, no problem. I still hope to lose weight so that I don't get Type 2 Diabetes.

I have gotten used to the pokes and the diet.

I am still a sucker for diet coke and have gotten one 3 times this week. This morning we got a small junior breakfast burrito at Burger King on our way home from the hospital. I of course saw it was national soft drink day, so I got a $1 diet coke.

We have such a beautiful, pouty baby. She looks kind of sad in her ultrasound pictures, but I don't think she likes them poking at her and it was early. She might not be a morning person, like her mama. Which, oh boy, that would be nice!

That is a Mama's nose.



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