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Good News from the High Risk OB

Writer's picture: twinklemama2020twinklemama2020

Wednesday we visited the High Risk OB for another growth Ultrasound, the last one of the 2nd trimester. I was so excited to go and get a good look at my baby girl. And OH BOY, she did not disappoint.

Baby T made so many facial expressions, showing us her frustration with a Doppler being in her face. Followed by the most adorable little sucking I have ever seen.

She is 20 times more beautiful than I ever even hoped.

I knew to me she would be the most perfect thing I have ever seen, but even objectively she is a doll. She looks like my Baby Alive, Newborn Baby Doll from the 90s that my sister named Cynthia. That was the best doll I ever had as a child, she was definitely my favorite.

We saw how big she has gotten. She was 2 lbs. 10 ounces.

Which moved her up to the 61st percentile.

So, great news for growth as of now at least. They will check to see what percentile she is in at 31 weeks again. So I still have a month break before seeing Baby T on an ultrasound, even though I will have many appointments between now and then.

She had moved head down and very, very low.

I thought so since I have somewhat frequent Braxton-Hicks.

Her heartbeat is found very low again, and my pain is all so low and terrible. Which I asked about trying to make sure that I am not going into preterm labor. The Dr. said that is her head, and it's only going to get worse until I deliver.

She is pushing right on my cervix and I cannot stop freaking out about preterm labor even though I have been assured repeatedly I don't have signs of it.

I got all wonderful news from the High Risk OB, but I fear they were not thorough enough.

Just kind of determined I had no issues. I am bothered that my Cervix could not be seen on the ultrasound during the days since my ultrasound I have feared constantly that I am only days or at most weeks from going into labor.

I have been sick since Monday.

I don't know if it is just hormones going into the third trimester.

But over the weekend visiting family I repeatedly worried about lack of movement from Baby T. We came home and Monday I spent the whole day in bed.

Tuesday I was fine.

Wednesday after my appointment, I was miserable again. I was sure I was days from going into labor. I had diarrhea and have been nauseous and vomiting.

Thursday was the same, but I didn't call my OB because they will just think I am a crazy hypochondriac.

Friday was better again.

Today it is just a headache and Baby T is moving way, too much. Which I have looked into repeatedly, because I thought that a lot of movement followed by no movement was a bad sign, and Baby T moves like crazy here and there and then doesn't move at all.

I am having some slight swelling in my face.

I have carpal tunnel and trigger finger in my right hand.

And my pelvic bone feels like it is getting kicked with a steel-toed boot by a large man at all times. My headaches aren't any fun, but tylenol takes the pain away, unfortunately, only for the 8 hours that it is in your system and I limit my tylenol intake.

Unfortunately, nothing else takes away any of my pain.

I am just exhausted and want to sleep. I am sleeping okay now; I was waking up from the pain in my hand but I have worn a brace at night so that no longer wakes me up. I can stay in the same position all night which also helps with sleeping.



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