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Writer's picturetwinklemama2020

Possible Implantation?

My cycle has been weird this time(I know, I say that every cycle); I am guessing thanks to starting the levothyroxine this month. I am on cycle day 22 today. I am still having cervical fluid, and have been having it for about two weeks now. It started just a few days after my period ended.

I kept trying to keep our bedroom activities up with my body so if we have the hormones to conceive this month, we would also have the chance to. But my husband has had high stress at work so we haven't been as frequent as I'd hope but still should be frequent enough that we hit the fertile window. There is still a chance we conceived if the hormones matched up with a healthy cycle.

Wednesday on cycle day 19 at 1:50pm I felt two consecutive pinches deep in my uterus that I also noted on March 17th as thinking that may be what ovulation felt like. When I entered all of my information into a pregnancy app, my app said I likely implanted that day. How cool to have felt such a magical moment? I could pinpoint the exact time I became a mother for the very first time. It would be spectacular if that is what this feeling was too. As time passes, I feel more skepticism at myself for thinking I have already conceived again. I don't want to be disappointed extra because I got too excited.

Last time I also had a moving ovulation date, likely because I kept seeing cervical fluid and noted that on my app just like this time. My Ovia app had originally guessed I ovulated earlier in the month and then as the month progressed I kept having symptoms similar to ovulation so my app kept predicting that I would ovulate each week that passed until I eventually caved to take that pregnancy test that came back positive.

I have been praying and hoping that there is a perfect baby inside me just blossoming into life. I feel like it would be a boy again; I felt that my twins were likely boys. I thought I would have a girl after I lost that pregnancy but this month I just feel boy energy.

If I ovulated as early as cycle day 10, 11, or 12, this could be the beginnings of a beautiful human life inside of me. We had intercourse on cycle day 8, 10, and 12. We took a two-day break for cycle day 13 and 14 because my husband was stressed with work. Last time we conceived we had intercourse on day 13 and my app predicted I ovulated on cycle day 14. This was consistent with how far along by perfect little twins were at their ultrasounds.

That is that I had a perfect 28-day cycle the month we conceived the twins, last month we had a 26 day cycle so my app is predicting another 26 day cycle. Which would ovulate a little earlier than the 14th day. But I could have moved around anywhere, my BBT never went over 96.8, I called the OB about this Thursday morning to see if this is cause for concern, but she didn't think so and suggested I go back to the ovulation prediction kits, so I have a box of 50 strips that arrived yesterday.

So if this month turns out to be a pregnancy, wonderful and we will have tests on hand. The box was only $16.50.

This little pinch has given me so much more hope than I have been allowing myself to have. I am trying not to let myself get carried away with it, though. I can remember at least once making a mark for myself back in June or July about potentially feeling a little something that turned out to be neither ovulation nor implantation.

I don't think my body gives me too many signs of ovulation. I definitely don't think I could have the pain that I have heard some other women can feel. I have never been great at pinpointed my exact ovulation date and that is perfectly fine, as long as we keep the sperm count introduced frequently.

But I have never talked to another person who felt implantation how I had. And I'll take being able to feel that over feeling lousy ovulation.

I will take it slow and just take care of myself in case but I will try my hardest not to think about it.

The only benefit that knowing can give me is positivity and the ability to quit sugar like I said I was going to.

I have no patience so I already took a pregnancy test this morning, 5 days before my period is due. It came back negative but I read it is extremely unlikely to get a positive that early.

My BBT is finally up. 98.3 degrees so maybe I only ovulated a few days ago and I'm actually going to have a longer cycle this month. I will test again on Thursday, the day my period is due if it has not started.

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